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"Where all are welcome…no exceptions! "

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2024: Together We Thrive!

All Are Welcome: No Exceptions

Sunday Worship Schedule

What is our calling?

8:00 am - Worship (Also Online)

9:00 am - HOT Breakfast

9:35 am - Christian Education

9:35 am - Choir Practice & Devotional

10:30 am - Worship (Also Online)

3:30 pm - Sports & Games (all ages)

Wednesday Schedule

9:00 am - Food Pantry & Resource Center

10:00 am - Worship

5:30 pm - Weekly Dinner & Classes:

  • Adult Christian Formation Classes

  • Youth Group

  • Play & Pray (k-5 Children)

  • Nursery available! 

Our clearest strength is the world's clearest need - faithful, loving, and active community. Focusing on the teachings and love of God in Jesus Christ, Holy Cross seeks to continue to spread such transformative community in our lives and into the world. Community where people learn such things as how to receive and to give unconditional love; to overcome the prisons of fear and regret; to find their identity and worth in their God given dignity and not in things and achievements; and to care for the poor and for those who are different from us, accepting that God shows no partiality.

With this as our aim and faith in Jesus as our focus, we offer you a very wide variety of opportunities to grow in faith & fellowship within such a community. Help us spread the blessings of God's love. Be our guest soon!

Not accustom to our style of worship? You are not alone! Our style is modeled after ancient practices and yet is done in a way that is a mix of contemporary and traditional. However, we have found countless times that, if you give it a little time and an open heart, the reward is profound. Seek and you shall find at Holy Cross.

Office Hours

9:00 am – 4:30 pm 

(Monday – Friday)

Lunch 12:30 – 1:30



Main number: (850) 477–8596 



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